Acticoat Flex 7 Antimicrobial Barrier Dressing

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Silver-Coated Antimicrobial Barrier Dressing

ACTICOAT Flex 7 is an effective antimicrobial barrier dressings. The Nanocrystalline silver coating rapidly kills a broad spectrum of bacteria in as little as 30mins. ACTICOAT Flex 7 consists of a single layer of knitted polyester to ensure ultimate flexibility and comfort during wear time for the patient.

Features & Benefits

  • Sustained (7 day) antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of wound pathogens including MRSA & Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Helps remove some barriers, allowing the patient to regain control and progress the wound to closure.

  • Rapidly kills bacteria in as little as thirty minutes.

Antibacterial action helps provide rapid protection from bacterial colonization.

  • Soft and highly flexible with stretch properties

Moves with the patient when they need to move the affected body part with minimum local trauma. 

Minimizes discomfort for the patient.

  • Allows exudate transport through the dressing

This helps reduce the risk of maceration for faster closure with less potential for leakage and odor.

ACTICOAT Flex 7 has been shown to be compatible with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT).

  • Easy to use range of dressing sizes and formats with a 7 day wear time.

The product is easy to apply, can be removed in one piece to minimize trauma and is designed in sizes appropriate for various wound types to reduce the time taken for dressing changes.

  • Low adherent wound contact layer

Helps prevent trauma on removal to optimize closure times


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ACTICOAT Flex 7 is indicated for use on partial and full thickness wounds. This includes:

  • First and second degree burns
  • Covering of grafts
  • Surgical sites
  • Venous ulcers
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Diabetic ulcers



  • Do not use on patients with a known sensitivity to silver
  • Do not use on a patient undergoing MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) examination
  • Prior to administering radiation therapy, remove ACTICOAT Flex 7. A new dressing can be applied following treatment.



  • ACTICOAT Flex 7 is not compatible with oil-based products, such as petrolatum.
  • Avoid contact with electrodes or conductive gels during electronic measurements e.g. EEG and ECG.
  • For external use only, for example do not apply the dressing to exposed organs.
  • This device is not intended for use on 3rd degree burns.
  • ACTICOAT Flex 7 should only be used on premature infants (less than 37 weeks gestation) when the clinical benefit outweighs the potential risks.
  • ACTICOAT Flex 7 is not intended to provide sole treatment for infected wounds. ACTICOAT Flex 7 may be used on infected wounds which are being managed per local clinical protocol.
  • There may be transient pain (or stinging) experienced on application of ACTICOAT Flex 7. This can be minimized be carefully following the application instructions. Should continuous pain be experienced after application, remove the dressing and discontinue use.
  • The color of the dressing may vary. This does not affect the performance of the dressing.


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