Australian Medical Sheepskin Apparel Heel Protectors


Status: Out of Stock

Pair (1)


  • Rapidly absorbs and removes moisture from the source, keeping skin warm and dry to facilitate natural healing
  • Low friction - moves with your body to reduce shearing
  • Resists staining and residual odours
  • Genuine, high-temp, medical grade merino wool sheepskin
  • 4,000 to 6,000 fibres per square centimeter
  •  Merino wool pile keeps its texture and density even after repeated washings - can be laundered at home and re-used for years!

Australian Medical Sheepskin guarantees a 100% success rate in bedsore healing and prevention, provided that the following conditions are also met:

  • There is adequate protein in the diet
  • All prescribed medications and supplements are being taken
  • The area is well-circulated (i.e. no tight bandages)
  • The patient is under the care of a qualified medical professional

Why is it green?

The unique green dye of Sheepskin products is used to indicate that a product is medical grade. Only green-dyed, medical grade sheepskins are capable of being laundered up to the 80°C required for thermal disinfection. Because the green-dyed sheepskin exceeds the Australian Medical Sheepskin sanctioning standards, it is incredibly durable and can be washed and reused for years!

Do NOT attempt to launder un-dyed sheepskins - they are not medical grade and have not been approved for thermal disinfection by Standards Australia.



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