BD Microtainer® Contact-Activated Lancet, Pink, Medium Flow, 21G x 1.8mm

SKU: 308366593

Status: In Stock



The BD Microtainer® contact-activated lancet is a safety-engineered device used for the fingerstick collection of blood. Fingersticks should not be performed on children less than 1 year of age (according to CLSI guidelines).

Ergonomic Design

The lancet enhances user comfort with an ergonomic design for a more comfortable grip.

Easier Sampling

It activates only when positioned and pressed against the skin, facilitating a consistent puncture depth for easier sampling.

Improved Visibility

The lancet covers only a small area at the contact point, which improves the visibility of the desired puncture site.

Intuitive Procudure

The intuitive procedure reduces training time, and the design prevents product reuse, reducing the possibility of patient, clinician, and/or sample contamination.


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Width and Depth (mm) 21G x 1.8
Blood Volume Medium Flow
Color Pink


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