MedPro Defense Zorbi Vomit Bags with Cone & Zorbi Sachet

SKU: 970764-122

Status: Out of Stock

Case 48 (1)


MedPro Vomit Bag with Zorbi sachet

Cardboard cone, polybag

ZORBI™ bags and powder are a quick and convenient method of disposing liquid human waste while minimizing its contact with equipment or staff.

In just 30 seconds, the super absorbent powder transforms up to 600 ml of organic liquids and waste into a gel, which locks in odours and reduces splashing. The bags can then be sealed and disposed of quickly and easily.


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Single use • Non biodegradable • Keep Dry

Dispose of liquid waste with proper care.

Non Comestible - If ingested, immediately call a physician

Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water

Eye Contact: Rinse abundantly with water


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