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Smith & Nephew PICO 7 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System

SKU: 36866802008

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Case 3 (1)

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  • 20cm x 20cm
  • Two dressings and one pump kit

Combines proprietary AIRLOCK◊ Technology with patient-centric features to deliver consistent NPWT on open wounds and closed surgical incisions for up to 7 days1-3

Featuring an exclusive mode of action that enables delivery of negative pressure wound therapy across the entire dressing to the wound or incision and peri-wound, while simultaneously removing exudate.4, 5

For high-risk surgical incisions:

  • Protects the incision from external contamination6
  • Helps hold incisions together, reducing lateral tensile forces7
  • Helps to increase the activity of the lymphatic system in deep tissue via reduction in wound fluid8

For complex open wounds:

  • Protects the wound from external contamination9
  • Promotes changes in blood flow10, 11
  • Improves wound contraction12-17 and assists in stimulation of granulation tissue formation18, 19


Ultraportable system

The ultraportable, canister-free design makes the PICO System comfortable to wear.20

Easy to apply and remove

Gentle silicone adhesive makes application and removal easy20 while minimizing pain associated with dressing changes.1, 22-24

Showerproof dressing

Allows patients the ability to shower.20, 25

Quiet system

Better enables patients to sleep, compared to traditional NPWT.20


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1. Hudson DA, et al. Int Wound J. 2015;12(2):195-201.

2. Smith+Nephew 2019. Internal Report. RD/18/134 V2.

3. Smith+Nephew 2017. Internal Report. DS/17/253/R.

4. Smith+Nephew 2019. Internal Report. DS/19/313/R.

5. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. EO/AWM/PICO/004/v1

6. Smith+Nephew 2011. Internal Report. 1102010.

7. Loveluck J, et al. ePlasty. 2016.

8. Kilpadi DV, et al. Wound Repair Regen. 2011;19(5):588-596.

9. Smith+Nephew 2011. Internal report 1102010.

10. Malmsjö M, et al. Eplasty 2014; 14:e15.

11. Innocenti M, et al. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2018.

12. Patel A, et al. Paper presented at: National Wound Conference; 2019; Las Vegas, NV, USA.

13. Dowsett C, et al. Wounds International. 2017;8(2):52-58.

14. Kirsner R, et al. Poster presented at Wild on Wounds National Wound Conference. September 12–15, 2018. Poster 18.

15. Mccluskey P, et al. JCN. 2020;34(1):36-43.

16. Hampton J. Community Wound Care. 2015:S14-S20.

17. Kirsner RS, et al. Wound Manag & Prev. 2020;66(3):30-36.

18. Brownhill VR, et al. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2020;0(0):1 - 12.

19. Schwartz JA, et al. J Wound Care. 2015;24(2).

20. Hurd T, et al. Ostomy Wound Management. Volume 60. Issue 3. March 2014.

21. Smith+Nephew 2048. Internal report DS/18/015/R.

22. Sharp, E. Journal of Woundcare cases supplement 2013, Vol 22, No 10, S5-9.

23. Payne C, et al. Eplasty Apr 2014, 14: e20.

24. Rossington A. CT09/02, May 2015.

25. Smith+Nephew 2018. Internal Report. DS/18/134/R.


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